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Robert's Rules of Order 2023

Product ID: CA3561D
Presented By: State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE

This program is an excerpt from the Public Records, Open Meetings Update 2022.

Become a meeting maestro

Feel like you spend too much time in unproductive, chaotic meetings in which nothing is accomplished? You’re not alone. In a 2017 survey, 54% of senior executives from multiple industries characterized their meetings as a waste of time.1 In contrast, most local governments, state governments, associations, and fraternities use parliamentary procedure as a way to facilitate efficient decision-making. Attorneys who work with government entities, private organizations, or any other kind of deliberative body can benefit from implementing similar meeting procedures to accomplish goals. 

Robert’s Rules of Order is the standard for encouraging fairness and participation in meetings. Presented by Robert’s Rules fanatic and Milwaukee City Clerk Jim Owczarski, this compelling webcast (seriously!) will demonstrate how the Rules can help you:

  • Lead efficient meetings, manage discussion, and streamline decision-making
  • Encourage open and respectful dialogue among participants
  • Handle disagreements and conflicts diplomatically 
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This program is an excerpt from the Public Records, Open Meetings Update 2022.

Become a meeting maestro

Feel like you spend too much time in unproductive, chaotic meetings in which nothing is accomplished? You’re not alone. In a 2017 survey, 54% of senior executives from multiple industries characterized their meetings as a waste of time.1 In contrast, most local governments, state governments, associations, and fraternities use parliamentary procedure as a way to facilitate efficient decision-making. Attorneys who work with government entities, private organizations, or any other kind of deliberative body can benefit from implementing similar meeting procedures to accomplish goals. 

Robert’s Rules of Order is the standard for encouraging fairness and participation in meetings. Presented by Robert’s Rules fanatic and Milwaukee City Clerk Jim Owczarski, this compelling webcast (seriously!) will demonstrate how the Rules can help you:

  • Lead efficient meetings, manage discussion, and streamline decision-making
  • Encourage open and respectful dialogue among participants
  • Handle disagreements and conflicts diplomatically 
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Jim Owczarski has been Milwaukee’s City Clerk since April 2012. Before that, he served as Deputy City Clerk for six years after working in the City’s Legislative Reference Bureau. Jim came to the city from the Milwaukee Journal and Journal/Sentinel, where he worked as a correspondent off the Metro desk, including a stint with the fondly remembered “Neighbors” section. Visitors to the Bristol Renaissance Faire (at least those of a certain age) will remember him as the villain in that show’s scripted scene – a role he played for eight years.

  • Demystify the parliamentary process with a firm grasp on the basics
  • Know how to preserve order and encourage fair play during deliberations 
  • Empower all members of a deliberative body to be heard
  • Learn how you can use exceptions and nuances to increase meeting efficiency
  • Prevent members from misusing the rules for unproductive or personal motives
  • Municipal attorneys
  • School law attorneys
  • General practitioners
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