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Appellate Advocacy: Thoughts From the Bench AMC2023

Product ID: CA3550D
Presented By: State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE

Go behind the scenes to learn what appellate judges look for when reviewing briefs and what they listen for during oral arguments. Judges currently sitting on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and the Wisconsin Court of appeals will reveal best practices in brief writing, effective oral argument strategies, variances in practice between state and federal court, and more!

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Go behind the scenes to learn what appellate judges look for when reviewing briefs and what they listen for during oral arguments. Judges currently sitting on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and the Wisconsin Court of appeals will reveal best practices in brief writing, effective oral argument strategies, variances in practice between state and federal court, and more!

Mark A. Cameli (Moderator)
Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren SC,

Hon. Michael B. Brennan
Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals

Hon. Lisa S. Neubauer
Wisconsin Court of Appeals District II

Justice ​Jill J. Karofsky
​Wisconsin Supreme Court

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