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Civility and Safety: A Panel Discussion with Judges and AttorneysAMC2023

Product ID: CA3549D
Presented By: State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE

Civility is essential to the practice of law and to a well-functioning, respectable legal profession. But when incivility happens (and it will), do you know the best way to respond? Judges and practitioners will share their personal experiences confronting professional incivility and offer practical suggestions for responding without jeopardizing your personal safety. ​

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Civility is essential to the practice of law and to a well-functioning, respectable legal profession. But when incivility happens (and it will), do you know the best way to respond? Judges and practitioners will share their personal experiences confronting professional incivility and offer practical suggestions for responding without jeopardizing your personal safety. ​

Hon. Michael Waterman ​(Moderator)
St Croix County Circuit Court
Hudson​​ ​

Hon. Kristy Yang
Milwaukee County Circuit Court

Hon. Michael R. Fitzpatrick
Wisconsin Court of Appeals District IV
Madison ​​

Pat Cafferty
Cafferty & Scheidegger S.C.

Michael P. Crooks
von Briesen & Roper S.C.

Ben K. Kempinen

Lynn R. Laufenberg
Gingras, Thomsen & Wachs

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