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Burial Sites and Burial Mounds in Real Estate Transactions 2023

Product ID: CA3496D
Presented By: State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE

Endorsed by the Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin

Grave concerns

In 2010, the New York Times reported on fashion designer Diane Von Furstenberg’s plans to spend eternity on her beloved 100-acre farm by adding a family cemetery to the property.1 And Wisconsinites have similar options for home burial under state law. But what happens when the land they’re peacefully resting in changes hands? 

Find out how to advise your clients when they encounter cemetery plots, burial mounds, or other burial sites on real property they’d like to purchase (or on property they’ve already purchased). At Burial Sites and Burial Mounds in Real Estate Transactions, Steven J. Frassetto will provide an overview of the laws protecting human burial grounds.

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Endorsed by the Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin

Grave concerns

In 2010, the New York Times reported on fashion designer Diane Von Furstenberg’s plans to spend eternity on her beloved 100-acre farm by adding a family cemetery to the property.1 And Wisconsinites have similar options for home burial under state law. But what happens when the land they’re peacefully resting in changes hands? 

Find out how to advise your clients when they encounter cemetery plots, burial mounds, or other burial sites on real property they’d like to purchase (or on property they’ve already purchased). At Burial Sites and Burial Mounds in Real Estate Transactions, Steven J. Frassetto will provide an overview of the laws protecting human burial grounds.

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Steven J. Frassetto is a shareholder with Menn Law Firm in Appleton. Over the past three decades, he has witnessed remarkable growth in Northeast Wisconsin. Attorney Frassetto grew up in the Fox Cities and feels privileged to serve the legal needs of individuals, businesses, and municipalities. His broad practice experience gives him a unique perspective on his clients’ legal needs. Steven has been able to work with developers, builders, lenders, and recreational projects. As a shareholder with Menn Law Firm, he continues to strive to deliver high quality legal services in the most economical and efficient way possible.

  • Become familiar with the federal and state laws applicable to burial sites and mounds
  • Know what steps to take before your client can build on property with a burial site or mound
  • Confidently advise property owners on their rights and responsibilities 
  • Assess whether clients with burial sites on their property qualify for tax exemptions 
  • Real estate lawyers
  • Transactional lawyers
  • Lawyers representing land developers
  • Indian lawyers
  • General practitioners 
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