There are two basic options available to purchase Books UnBound: individual access and firm access. Firm pricing is tiered based on the number of lawyers in a firm or a branch location. Annual subscriptions for individuals or firms are available for single titles, a limited number of select titles (individual access only), and the entire Books UnBound library*.
Individual access purchases can be made online, and access to the title(s) or library will be almost immediate. Purchasers wanting firm access must call the State Bar to set up access for all lawyers and support staff attached to their firm.
The individual access is your option if you want one or more titles for yourself only. When you subscribe under this option, you will receive one login for one person for 12 months.
If you are a sole practitioner, access your Books UnBound title(s) immediately by subscribing under this option. Prices for individual attorneys include access for one attorney. However, your staff can also be added once you have a subscription. Call a State Bar customer service representative at (800) 728-7788 to help you through the process of adding users. If you are a member of a firm, purchasing under this option will allow access for yourself only. You will also gain nearly instant access to the online title through the myMedia tab on your myStateBar page (processing may take a few minutes).
If you are a sole practitioner, access your Books UnBound title(s) immediately by subscribing under this option. Prices for individual attorneys include access for one attorney. However, your staff can also be added once you have a subscription. Call a State Bar customer service representative at (800) 728-7788 to help you through the process of adding users.
If you are a member of a firm, purchasing under this option will allow access for yourself only. You will also gain nearly instant access to the online title through the myMedia tab on your myStateBar page (processing may take a few minutes).
Firm access is the option that provides access for all attorneys and support staff in the firm for 12 months. Firm access can be separated into two pricing categories—the corporate option or the branch option.
The corporate pricing option allows access for all of your firm locations, under one account for one price for 12 months. Pricing will be determined based on the total number of lawyers attached to that firm in all branch offices combined. The branch pricing option allows access for all lawyers and support staff within a specific branch location of your firm for 12 months. Pricing will be determined based on the total number of lawyers attached to that branch location. The corporate and branch pricing options cannot be combined—in other words, if a firm wishes to subscribe to Books UnBound for more than one branch office—but not for all offices—each branch office must be treated as a separate account and priced accordingly.
The corporate pricing option allows access for all of your firm locations, under one account for one price for 12 months. Pricing will be determined based on the total number of lawyers attached to that firm in all branch offices combined.
The branch pricing option allows access for all lawyers and support staff within a specific branch location of your firm for 12 months. Pricing will be determined based on the total number of lawyers attached to that branch location.
The corporate and branch pricing options cannot be combined—in other words, if a firm wishes to subscribe to Books UnBound for more than one branch office—but not for all offices—each branch office must be treated as a separate account and priced accordingly.
Books UnBound subscriptions include individual titles, select libraries, or the entire library of titles. Firm prices for titles and libraries are determined by the number of lawyers in a firm. To determine the cost of your firm’s subscription, please call customer service at (800) 728-7788.
List of Titles