Philip J. Miller
Husch Blackwell LLP
Catherine M. Priebe
Certus Legal Group, Ltd.
8:30 a.m. Drafting a Basic Will
- Initial client interview
- Obtaining the information
- Intestate rules
- Elements of a good document
- Pitfalls – the need for clarity
- Coordinating with other documents
- Execution
- Updating the will
Philip J. Miller
9:30 a.m. An Introduction to Tax Issues in Estate Planning
- Overview of the Federal Estate Tax
- Overview of the Federal Gift Tax
- Working with the marital deduction and federal exemption
Philip J. Miller
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. An Introduction to Tax Issues in Estate Planning (continued)
- Reducing taxable estates through lifetime giving
- Generation-skipping transfer tax and other issues
Philip J. Miller
11:00 a.m. General Uses of Trusts in Estate Planning
- Testamentary vs. living trusts
- Revocable vs. irrevocable trusts
- Common uses of trusts
- Probate avoidance
- Grantor vs. non-grantor trusts for income tax purposes
Catherine M. Priebe
12:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)
1:00 p.m. General Uses of Trusts in Estate Planning (continued)
- Special trusts
- Trust modification/termination and use of nonjudicial settlement agreements
Catherine M. Priebe
1:15 p.m. Avoiding Guardianship
- Powers of attorney
- Advanced health care directives
Philip J. Miller
1:45 p.m. Marital Property Agreements in Estate Planning
- Default property classification rules
- Types of agreements
- Uses of agreements
- Traps for the unwary
- Special considerations for life insurance and retirement plans
- Planning for assets in common law jurisdictions
- Alternatives to marital property agreements
Catherine M. Priebe
2:45 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. Ethical Issues Faced by the Estate Planning Practitioner
- Identifying your client
- Joint representation of spouses
- Conflict of interest
- Clients with diminished capacity
- Competence
- Confidentiality
Philip J. Miller, Catherine M. Priebe
4:00 p.m. Question & Answer
4:15 p.m. Program Concludes
- Familiarize yourself with the core concepts of estate planning
- Receive an introduction to estate and gift taxes
- Explore different types of trusts and how to use them in planning
- Understand powers of attorney and health care advance directives
- Learn how marital property agreements can impact estate plans
- Identify and avoid potential ethical pitfalls in estate planning practice
- New attorneys seeking to establish an area of practice
- Established attorneys new to estate planning
- Experienced estate planners seeking a refresher
- Elder law practitioners
- General practitioners
YLD Discount!
Young Lawyers Division members receive a $20 discount on tuition.* Discount applied automatically upon log-in.
*Young Lawyers Division Members are State Bar member attorneys 36 years of age or younger, or within five years of admission to the State Bar of Wisconsin. If you’ve opted out of YLD, you will not receive this discount. The $20 discount only applies to in-person, live webcast, and webcast replay versions of this seminar – not CLE OnDemand.. YLD members with Ultimate Passes, other CLE passes, or PINNACLE discounts are not eligible for this discount.
Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section Discount
Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section members receive a $50 discount on seminar tuition!** Section members must be logged in to view discounted tuition option.
**The $50 Real Property, Probate and Trust Law section member discount only applies to in-person, live webcast, and webcast replay versions of this seminar – not CLE OnDemand. RPPT members using Ultimate Passes, other CLE passes, or other discounts are not eligible for this offer. The RPPT Section may discontinue this discount at any time.
Book Bonus!
Eckhardt’s Workbook for Wisconsin Estate Planners
Save 15% on Eckhardt’s Workbook for Wisconsin Estate Planners.* This best-seller features decades of expertise from some of Wisconsin’s most respected estate planning attorneys. Use discount code CA3591 when you order online or by calling (800) 728-7788.
*Discount applies to both print and digital Books UnBound editions of this title and cannot be applied to previous purchases. Offer valid through 12/31/25. For Books UnBound users, discount may be applied to purchase of individual Books UnBound title only and may not be used on purchase of libraries. Discount cannot be combined with any other offers.

The Build Your Practice Series from State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE® introduces you to the fundamentals of various practice areas. Gain the tools and information you need to develop a new area of practice and expand your firm's offerings. Build Your Practice Series programs are endorsed by the State Bar's Young Lawyers Division.