Elizabeth Majerus is Deputy City Attorney for Sheboygan, Wisconsin and has been practicing municipal law since 2016. Prior to that, Ms. Majerus practiced criminal traffic defense. She is a graduate of Marquette University Law School and UW-Stevens Point.
Scott Brown has served Milwaukee County since 2018, advancing from Assistant Corporation Counsel to Corporation Counsel during his tenure. Mr. Brown’s appointment as Corporation Counsel was recently confirmed. As Milwaukee County’s chief legal officer, he is responsible for representing all its departments, boards, and elected officials.
Paul M. Ferguson is an assistant attorney general who leads the Office of Open Government at the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Mr. Ferguson serves as chair on the Wisconsin Public Records Board (PRB) and as chair of the PRB’s Records Management Committee and its Policy and Governance Committee.
Tom Kamenick is the President and Founder of the Wisconsin Transparency Project, a law firm dedicated exclusively to enforcing the state’s public records and open meetings laws. Prior to founding WTP, Mr. Kamenick was Deputy Counsel and Litigation Manager at the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty.
- Discover best practices for electronic messaging during open meetings
- Determine whether public officials can be held liable for blocking critics on social media
- Understand how public records laws apply to collaborative software
- Analyze recent case law on public officials’ social media accounts and posts
- Discuss recommendations for locating and reviewing electronic communications
- Government lawyers
- Administrative lawyers
- Corporation counsel
- Civil rights and constitutional lawyers