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Toxic! Not Just for Torts...FJI 2023

Product ID: CA3458D
Presented By: State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE

Understand the acceptable range and limitations of toxicologic instrumental analyses and how reliability can be established under Daubert​. Learn four tests that will help you determine whether a medical toxicology expert is qualified to provide expert testimony and discuss potential challenges to interpreting toxicology results.

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Understand the acceptable range and limitations of toxicologic instrumental analyses and how reliability can be established under Daubert​. Learn four tests that will help you determine whether a medical toxicology expert is qualified to provide expert testimony and discuss potential challenges to interpreting toxicology results.

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David Gummin, MD, FAACT, FACMT, FACEP, serves as a professor and the inaugural Chief of the Medical Toxicology Division in the Department of Emergency Medicine in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He also serves as the Medical Director of the Wisconsin Poison Center, Wisconsin’s only poison center. He spent most of his childhood in Wisconsin, then attending both undergraduate school and medical school in Wisconsin before joining the U.S. Navy. After completing an internship at Bethesda Naval Hospital and an operational tour as a Diving Medical Officer in the in the Navy, he returned to the civilian sector to complete residency and fellowship in Chicago.

Dr. Gummin has actively practiced Emergency Medicine and Medical Toxicology in Southeast Wisconsin since completing training. He became a partner in a large physician services corporation before joining the faculty of the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) in 2012. He is now a full professor of Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, and Pharmacology and Toxicology at MCW. Dr. Gummin has served as the Medical Director of the Wisconsin Poison Center continuously since 2005, maintaining active clinical practices in Emergency Medicine and in Medical Toxicology. He is committed to practicing with and teaching future clinicians in Wisconsin and in the nation.

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