Mark D. Munson practices with Ruder Ware, L.L.S.C. in Wausau. He is a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) by the National Elder Law Foundation the only organization accredited by the American Bar Association for the certification of elder law attorneys in the United States. He is also an accredited attorney by the Veterans Administration. Mark is very active within the professional elder law community. He is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) including its Wisconsin Chapter. He serves on NAELA’s steering committee for the tax section and he is a member of NAELA’s trusts and special needs section.
- Receive an overview of what Medicare and Medicaid cover and how they work
- Understand the eligibility requirements for Medicaid for both married and single individuals
- Explore how gifting and divestment of assets impacts eligibility
- Know the circumstances under which Medicaid may seek to recover funds from an estate
- Estate planners
- Elder and special needs lawyers
- General practitioners
What to Do When Your Wisconsin Client is Moving to a Separate State is another part of our Estate Planning Essentials Series. These excerpts from the 42nd Annual Estate Planning Update are designed to guide you through two key elements of estate planning practice. Attend both Estate Planning Essentials webcasts or pick and choose – it’s all up to you!