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Dealing with Domestic Violence in Family & GAL Cases 2022

Product ID: CA3305D
Presented By: State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE

Produced by the Public Interest Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin in partnership with State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®

Unpleasant hidden truths

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." — Leo Tolstoy

As a guardian ad litem or family lawyer in Wisconsin, you must consider the potential for domestic violence in every case you handle. Family violence can go undetected in disputed divorce and custody cases if you don’t know how to identify the warning signs. Even when abuse is discovered, some cases proceed without accommodations for safety or power differentials between the parties.

At Dealing with Domestic Violence in Family and GAL Cases, learn how to identify situations in which there is potential family violence. You’ll hear from a panel of GALs with experience working on cases where domestic violence disputes have played out. The presenters will help you:

  • Understand the dynamics of abuse, including non-physical coercive control
  • Find out why courts discredit victims when determining child custody
  • Recognize additional barriers to low-income victims when navigating the family law system
  • Determine whether there’s a heightened duty of confidentiality in domestic violence cases
  • Assess what you can do to ensure your own safety when handling high-conflict cases
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Member $249.00

Non-Member $329.00



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Credits are no longer available for this OnDemand program.

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Produced by the Public Interest Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin in partnership with State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®

Unpleasant hidden truths

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." — Leo Tolstoy

As a guardian ad litem or family lawyer in Wisconsin, you must consider the potential for domestic violence in every case you handle. Family violence can go undetected in disputed divorce and custody cases if you don’t know how to identify the warning signs. Even when abuse is discovered, some cases proceed without accommodations for safety or power differentials between the parties.

At Dealing with Domestic Violence in Family and GAL Cases, learn how to identify situations in which there is potential family violence. You’ll hear from a panel of GALs with experience working on cases where domestic violence disputes have played out. The presenters will help you:

  • Understand the dynamics of abuse, including non-physical coercive control
  • Find out why courts discredit victims when determining child custody
  • Recognize additional barriers to low-income victims when navigating the family law system
  • Determine whether there’s a heightened duty of confidentiality in domestic violence cases
  • Assess what you can do to ensure your own safety when handling high-conflict cases
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Planning Committee:

Kelsey Brown
Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc.

Jacob A. Haller
Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc.

Christine Jensen Huberty
Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources

Amanda R.R. Mayer
Wisconsin Judicare, Inc.

Joseph S. Riepenhoff
Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee, Inc.

Megan L. Sprecher
Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc.


Amber L. Raffeet August
Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee, Inc.

Virginia Gittens Escudero
Executive Director, UNIDOS

Marlys Howe
Dane County District Attorneys Office

Aviva Meridian Kaiser
State Bar of Wisconsin

Comm. Nancy J. Kallgren
Marinette County Circuit Court

Sara Krall
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin

Joan S. Meier
Professor of Clinical Law
George Washington School of Law
Washington DC

Amber M. Peterson
Wisconsin Director of State Courts Office of Court Operations

Gricel Santiago-Rivera
RISE Law Center

8:00 a.m. : Addressing Domestic Abuse in Family Cases

  • Explanation of the dynamics of domestic abuse, including non-physical coercive control
  • Effect of witnessing domestic abuse on children
  • Overview of the four-step framework for identifying and reporting domestic abuse in family court cases covered in the Domestic Abuse Guidebook for Wisconsin Guardians ad Litem
  • Discussion of the additional barriers low-income victims of abuse experience when navigating the family law system
  • Considerations for shared parenting, custody, and parental alienation

Prof. Joan S. Meier, Amber M. Peterson

9:30 a.m. : Issues and Considerations for Guardians ad Litem

Amber L. Raffeet August, Comm. Nancy J. Kallgren, Gricel Santiago-Rivera

10:20 a.m. : Break

10:35 a.m. : Attorney Safety in Cases Involving Violence

Virginia Gittens Escudero, Marlys Howe, Sara Krall

11:25 a.m. : Ethical Issues in Cases Involving Domestic Violence

  • Confidentiality – is there a higher burden in domestic violence cases?
  • Permissive reporting vs. Mandated Reporting – interplays with confidentiality
  • But, I believe my client! – Claims of abuse to the tribunal when Child Protective Services finds no abuse
  • Communication with pro se litigants

Aviva Meridian Kaiser

12:25 p.m. : Program Concludes

Following program start times, webcast replay schedule may vary slightly from above listed times.

  • Be able to detect signs of abuse and violence in disputed custody cases
  • Use the four-step framework to identify and report domestic abuse in family law cases
  • Understand systemic trends toward rejecting mothers' allegations of abuse, reinforced by claims of alienation against such mothers
  • Hear a frank discussion between GALs who regularly handle domestic violence cases
  • Get practical advice on safety concerns for attorneys handling domestic abuse cases
  • Avoid ethical traps in cases involving domestic violence
  • Public Interest Law Section Members
  • Attorneys serving as guardians ad litem in family law cases
  • Family lawyers
  • Criminal law practitioners

Public Interest Law Section members attend for $150!*

PILS section members pay just $150 for the live webcast on March 31, 2022.

*The $150 Public Interest Law section member tuition only applies to the live webcast of this seminar on March 31, 2022. It does not apply to webcast replays or CLE OnDemand. Public Interest Law Section members using Ultimate Passes, other CLE passes, or other discounts are not eligible for this offer. The Section may discontinue this discounted tuition at any time.

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