History in the making
2020 is a historic election year, and Wisconsin will likely play a critical role in the results.1 The stakes are high, and municipalities have their hands full figuring out how to conduct a fair election safely and successfully during a global pandemic.
Election Administration in 2020: What Is Going Right and What Could Go Wrong will provide a detailed overview of Wisconsin’s election process and review the latest legal developments affecting voting rights and participation.
Madison City Attorney Michael Haas and City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl will answer questions like:
- What innovative processes are municipal clerks employing to address voting hurdles?
- How are municipalities implementing safety measures for voters and poll workers?
- What are the latest developments that could impact this election?
Gain a better understanding of how voting works in the 30th state of the union and get up-to-speed on key legal issues and controversies affecting elections at the municipal level.
1The Cheese Stands Alone: Understanding Wisconsin's Pivotal Role In 2020