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Immigration & Public Charge: The New Rule 2020

Product ID: CA3051D
Presented By: State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE

PLEASE NOTE: As of July 29, 2020, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York has enjoined the implementation, application, and enforcement of the public charge rule nationwide.

Produced by the Public Interest Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin in partnership with State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®

Changing criteria for grounds of inadmissibility

On February 24, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security’s new public charge rule went into effect. U.S. federal law already required individuals seeking permanent residency or legal status to prove they won’t be a burden, i.e., be “primarily dependent on the government for subsistence.” However, the revised rules expand the criteria for a public charge and implement new consequences for receipt of certain social services.

The shift in policy is causing a lot of confusion and fear, prompting even citizens and legal residents to drop public benefits.1 Immigration & Public Charge: The New Rule will provide an in-depth overview of the new rule, particularly how it’s affecting low-income individuals and their families.

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PLEASE NOTE: As of July 29, 2020, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York has enjoined the implementation, application, and enforcement of the public charge rule nationwide.

Produced by the Public Interest Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin in partnership with State Bar of Wisconsin PINNACLE®

Changing criteria for grounds of inadmissibility

On February 24, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security’s new public charge rule went into effect. U.S. federal law already required individuals seeking permanent residency or legal status to prove they won’t be a burden, i.e., be “primarily dependent on the government for subsistence.” However, the revised rules expand the criteria for a public charge and implement new consequences for receipt of certain social services.

The shift in policy is causing a lot of confusion and fear, prompting even citizens and legal residents to drop public benefits.1 Immigration & Public Charge: The New Rule will provide an in-depth overview of the new rule, particularly how it’s affecting low-income individuals and their families.

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Program Chair:

Elizabeth Stinebaugh
Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc.


Janice Beers
Catholic Multicultural Center

Stephanie Drum

Matthew M. Gillhouse

Aviva Meridian Kaiser
State Bar of Wisconsin

Megan L. Sprecher
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin

8:00 a.m. : Registration

8:30 a.m. : Welcome Remarks

Elizabeth Stinebaugh

8:35 a.m. : Public Benefits and Immigrant Eligibility

Janice Beers, Stephanie Drum

9:50 a.m. : The New Public Charge Rule

Matthew M. Gillhouse, Megan L. Sprecher

11:05 a.m. : Break

11:20 a.m. : Update from Wisconsin Collaboration on Immigrants and Public Benefits (no CLE credit)

William Parke-Sutherland

11:20 a.m. : Ethical Obligations When Advising Immigrant Clients

Aviva Meridian Kaiser

12:20 p.m. : Program Concludes

Following program start times, webcast replay schedule will vary slightly from above listed times.

  • Know the expanded criteria for a public charge
  • Identify the range of social services that could disqualify admission
  • Help clients understand their potential risk of denial under the new rule
  • Review your ethical obligations when advising immigrant clients
  • Public interest lawyers
  • Immigration attorneys
  • Civil rights lawyers

Public Interest Law Section Discount

Members of the Public Interest Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin receive discounted tuition to the May 14 webcast. Section members must log in to see the discounted tuition price.

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