Program Chairs and Presenters
Julie M. Bogle
Gregory M. Monday
Reinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren, S.C.
Patrick Fodale
New York, NY
J. David Krekeler
Krekeler Strother S.C.
Timothy J. Pierce
State Bar of Wisconsin
David J. Sisson
Reinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren, S.C.
8:30 a.m. : Recent Developments in Family Business Law
- Case law update
- Legislative update
Gregory M. Monday, David Palay
9:20 a.m. : Taxation Issues for Family Businesses in 2020 and 2021
- Anticipated implications of the election results
- Strategic timing – what to do in 2020 vs 2021
- How do interest rates factor into decision making?
- Tax consequences of various asset transfer techniques
Julie M. Bogle
10:10 a.m. : Break
10:25 a.m. : Turnarounds – How to make them viable
Patrick Fodale
11:15 a.m. : What every family business owner needs to know about bankruptcy
- Helping the client consider their options
- Effects on family business owners
J. David Krekeler
12:05 p.m. : Lunch (on your own)
1:05 p.m. : Taking care of business during COVID-19
- Taking care of employees
- Protection from liability
David J. Sisson
1:55 p.m. : Ethics of advising family businesses during a pandemic
- Preserving privilege, confidentiality, and advising boards
- Advising family business client regarding COVID liability – what should be confidential, to whom can/should you talk to, and whom should you not?
- Conflict of interest when principal gets sick
- PPP – who is in on the discussions of whether to apply for loan forgiveness?
Timothy J. Pierce
2:45 p.m. : Program Concludes
- Assist your family business clients in successfully navigating a viable turnaround
- Help closely held businesses take care of employees and avoid COVID-19 liability
- Make timely and strategic decisions to minimize tax liability
- Recognize when a closely held business ought to seek bankruptcy counsel
- Know the latest legislative developments and case law impacting family businesses
- Navigate ethical issues that arise when representing closely held businesses and their owners
- Business lawyers
- Tax attorneys
- Insurance lawyers
- Business litigators
- Family law attorneys
- Estate planning lawyers
- General practitioners
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