Co-produced with the Government Lawyers Division of the State Bar of Wisconsin
Map it all out
In December 2023, the Wisconsin Supreme Court decided Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, holding that the state’s noncontiguous legislative maps were unconstitutional.1 Following Clarke, the Wisconsin Legislature voted to adopt maps proposed to the court by Governor Tony Evers, who signed the new state legislative maps into law before the 2024 elections. What’s changed about the maps? How will the new maps be implemented? What questions remain unanswered about redistricting in Wisconsin? Mapmaker, Make Me a Map: Redistricting and the Clarke Case has answers to these questions and more.
You’ll benefit from a range of perspectives from the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL), municipal and county clerks, and legal scholars on:
- Why the redistricting process is important
- The lead-up to Clarke v. WEC
- How mapmakers create and compare maps
- Metrics for each redistricting criterion
- Guideposts to be considered for the next redistricting effort
The WEC and local government clerks will cover the nuts and bolts of implementing new maps and explain how the WEC interacts with local clerks to overcome implementation challenges. You’ll discuss the legal questions that were and were not resolved by the decision in Clarke. Plus, you’ll experience a live demonstration of mapmaking, with an in-depth look at the seven map submissions.
Mapmaker, Make Me a Map: Redistricting and the Clarke Case is a can’t-miss program for anyone interested in redistricting, elections, and voting in Wisconsin.
1 Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, 410 Wis.2d 1 (2023)
Mapmaker, Make Me a Map: Redistricting and the Clarke Case 2024 ,Mapmaker, Make Me a Map: Redistricting and the Clarke Case 2024 ,Mapmaker, Make Me a Map: Redistricting and the Clarke Case 2024 ,Mapmaker, Make Me a Map: Redistricting and the Clarke Case 2024 ,