Michael P. Gallagher is an assistant chief counsel with the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB). He received his law degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School, magna cum laude. Before joining the LRB as a legislative drafting attorney, he spent several years in private practice in Madison. In addition to drafting proposed constitutional amendments, he drafts proposed legislation in various subject areas, including campaigns and elections. He is the author of several publications available on the LRB’s website, including The Internal Improvements Clause, with Madeline Kasper, and Redistricting in Wisconsin 2020: The LRB Guidebook, with Joe Kreye and Staci Duros.
- Catch up on state and federal developments aimed at combating false or deceitful media
- Learn what was included in recent legislation addressing AI and deepfake usage in campaigns
- Listen to an example of a fake campaign “robocall”
- Be informed on misleading media and its role in political campaigns
- Know the requirements for disclosing the use of AI in campaign materials
- Government lawyers
- Administrative lawyers
- Constitutional lawyers
- Election lawyers
- Municipal and county clerks
- Campaign managers
- Anyone interested in Wisconsin elections
The Going Deep Seminar Series takes you inside the fascinating world of deepfake technology and offers insights into the legal implications for intellectual property, evidentiary issues, and other areas of law. You’ll learn to recognize, account for, and mitigate risks posed by deepfake technology at these informative webcasts.